Creation of the National database of energy and operational characteristics of buildings of Ukraine in the Kyiv Regional State Administration

Problem description

The development of the National database of energy and operational characteristics of buildings of Ukraine, which was initiated by the Ministry of Regional Development a year ago, is gaining momentum. At the end of 2020, the Base was deployed in 23 regions of the country, with the exception of the Kyiv Regional State Administration (for more details, see 

Involvement in the Database of Kyiv Regional State Administration was necessary to complete the phase of full coverage of all 24 regions and create a comprehensive information base for a thorough analysis of energy efficiency indicators and planning of thermal modernization measures in the medium term at the level of regional budgets.

Ways to solve the problem

Given the importance of the rapid completion of the deployment of the National Base of Buildings at the level of all regions of the country, FIATU LLC technical experts used an intensive method of full support of responsible persons during the data entry process with constant monitoring of the system. As a result of entering about 20 thousand indicators for the 5-year period, almost 100% of regional institutions of Kyiv region since the training webinar became possible in just one month (in other regions, this period lasted 3-5 months).

Results and benefits

The result of this work was the rapid deployment of the National database of buildings in the Kyiv Regional State Administration and the completion of the stage of full involvement in the database of all regions.

Energy efficiency ratings for buildings of regional institutions of the Kyiv Regional State Administration have been formed and are in the public domain:

A national database of buildings has been created! Its achievements are well appreciated by the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, regional leadership and experts and provide a solid basis for the implementation of the national plan in the field of energy efficiency, in accordance with national standards, norms and rules.

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  • +38 044 500 89 42
  • Mon – Fri 9:00-18:00