Mirgorod 2014

FIATU LLC participated in a large scale project on increasing energy efficiency in buildings of different functional use, such as health care, education and culture. We conducted energy audit of 25 buildings and developed energy efficiency measures, which are appropriate for specific buildings to obtain optimal savings from investment.

Given the magnitude of energy-efficiency measures the project began with the educational sphere, the gymnasium named after Shevchenko and educational complex Helikon.

Project costs and benefits

Total project cost



Annual savings (based on actual tariffs for the date of the project preparation)



Annual СО2 emission reduction



Problem description

The indoor temperature in schools was lowered due to big heat loss through old wooden windows and doors and the indoor climate was uncomfortable for children and teachers. It was necessary to change windows and doors for energy efficient. However, this change would result in elevated temperature in warm and sunny days of the heating season and the absence of the ability to automatically regulate heat energy consumption may cause irrational energy use.

Solution to the problem

«FIATU» suggested that new energy savings window and door were installed along with equipment of individual heating substations to regulate the amount of heat energy required at specific weather conditions at a given time. Our experts oversaw implementation of these measures to make it possible to save heat energy and increase the room temperature to a comfortable level.

  • Kyiv, 1 Vyzvolyteliv prospect, office 638
  • +38 044 500 89 42
  • Mon – Fri 9:00-18:00